ActivityTracker for iOS does a great job at tracking fitness metrics without an Apple Watch – Review

There are a ton of fitness tracking apps available on iOS that promise to help you establish a healthier lifestyle. ActivityTracker is one of those apps. Beyond counting steps, tracking activities, etc, this app helps you to form healthy habits based on the extensive metrics it provides.

The developers of the ActivityTracker generously provided us with a review copy and in our experience of using the app, it is intuitive to use, monitors health metrics accurately, and effectively helps you to reach your daily fitness goals such as reaching a certain amount of steps or burning a certain number of calories. Keep on reading for our full review of ActivityTracker for iOS.


ActivityTracker for iPhone – Review

Interface and accuracy

The most important aspect of a fitness tracker is the accuracy of the data it provides and ActivityTracker gets 5/5 stars for accuracy. The app measures steps and calories burned just as accurately as Apple’s native Health app.


The main difference between the two is that ActivityTracker offers an interface that is more engaging and summarizes your fitness data based on hourly, daily, and weekly progress, making it easier to compare. And when I say the app offers extensive metrics, I mean VERY extensive.

From the Trends tab, you can tap on a week and with one long press, the app will you the activity for every day of that week. Another long press will display extensive metrics of how many calories burned, how many floors you climbed, the distance traveled, etc, for every hour of that day.



This can either make you feel accomplished and fulfilled for being active or, if you’re like me, ashamed of your largely sedimentary lifestyle. Shoutout to ActivityTracker for helping me to identify the error in my ways.

Features – free and PRO

The free version of the app offers the following features:

  • Track Steps, Ac­tive Calo­ries, Dis­tance, Ac­tive Time, and Floors Climbed
  • Three free accent colors can be used to customize the interface 
  • Share daily stats with friends
  • Today, week and year overview in Trends

As is the case with a ton of other fitness trackers on the App Store, some of ActivityTracker’s features are locked within the PRO version. The PRO version of the app costs $9.99 per year and here are the features it includes:

  • Set the app to monitor what’s most im­por­tant for you: Steps, Calo­ries Burned, or Dis­tance
  • Set individual Weekly Targets for Steps, Calo­ries Burned, and Dis­tance
  • Im­port/ex­port fea­ture to save your data or move it to an­oth­er iPhone
  • Week Over­view to re­view your last week’s progress at a glance
  • Fireworks & Confetti animations for reaching your targets



AcitvityTrack offers five Home screen widgets that display your fitness stats in summary. These include two widgets for Activity, two for Details, and one widget for your activity over the Last 7 Days.

In addition to this, AcitvityTracker was in the first batch of apps to offer support for iOS 16 Lock screen widgets. Widgets for the Lock screen include Hourly and Daily stats as well as an Active Time widget that lets you look at your activity at a glance. There are also three additional widgets that let you track your steps, floor claimed and calories burned.


The variety of widgets that the app offers was arguably one of my favorite things about it. There is something so satisfying about opening your phone to check the time and getting to see how many calories you’ve burned or how many steps you’ve logged in for the day.

Apple Watch support

Though AcitivtyTracker can provide detailed fitness metrics using just your iPhone, it does offer support for Apple Watch. Features for Apple Watch include:

  • Real-time stats updates
  • Ability to Import historical data from Apple Health
  • Today’s overview, hour-by-hour stats & last 7 days
  • Independent Watch app for watchOS 8
  • Synchronize steps between iPhone, Apple Watch, and Health app (PRO version)
  • Multiple watchOS 8+ Complications that allow you to check your stats at a glance (PRO version).

Is the PRO subscription worth it?

In conclusion, ActivityTracker does a great job of quantifying your daily activity which includes your steps, distance, daily active calorie burn, active time, and flights of stairs. And it does all that without killing your phone’s battery life and without relying on a wearable fitness gadget.

While the free version of the app will still be incredibly useful for most people, the detailed metrics and added customization options make the 9.99/per year subscription worth it in my opinion.

Download ActivityTracker for iPhone here.

About the Author

Asma is an editor at codecraftedweb with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.