Android Market and iPhone App Store to accept PayPal really soon

If you’re few of those people who aren’t willing to give away their credit card information because it’s unsafe, then there’s good news, Android Marketplace and iPhone App Store will soon be accepting PayPal for purchasing apps.

PayPal has been around for a long time now, used by a ton of users especially on eBay. Now, the service will be made available on the iPhone App Store and the Android Market for making purchases. PayPal is really secure and easy to use over a regular credit card which we use.

Currently on the Android Market, Google Checkout is a standard method for payment, but looks like Google has realized that there are more PayPal users than Google’s traditional payment style. The implementation of PayPal will take place soon on the Apple’s App Store and Android Market. The first lucky countries to get PayPal on the App Store and Android Market would be US, Canada, France, Italy and Australia. Let’s hope they roll out PayPal everywhere around the globe. [via PocketNow]