Antitrust chief urges EU to pass rules to regulate Big Tech companies such as Apple, Google and more

EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager is urging lawmakers to approve legislation aimed at regulating Big Tech because “it is best to get 80 percent now than 100 percent never.” Vestager’s call for action follows nearly a year of negotiations and delays with EU lawmakers who have yet to hammer out the final points of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA).

Antitrust chief urges EU to pass rules to regulate Big Tech companies

Antitrust chief Vestager urges European legislators to pass legislation aimed at regulating Big Tech

Legislation aimed at regulating the anti-competitive growth of Big Tech firms such as Apple and Google has been hit by setbacks caused by internal EU political disputes. Ahead of the FT-ETNO Tech and Politics forum on Monday, competition and digital policy chief Margrethe Vestager said “It’s important that everyone realizes that it is best to get 80 percent now than 100 percent never. This is another way of saying that perfect should not be the enemy of very, very good.”

According to The Irish Times, the antitrust chief has suggested that the rules could be reviewed and reevaluated at a later date if adjustments are needed once they have been passed into law.

“We won’t let another 20 years pass before we may revisit [the legislation],” she continued. “With the parliament and the council’s position we can make a very strong rule book that can be enforceable soon.” Vestager was speaking ahead of the FT-ETNO Tech and Politics forum. The forum comes after close to a year of debate about the Digital Markets Act (DMA), and the Digital Services Act (DSA).

If the Digital Markets Act is passed, it would force companies like Apple and Google from using anti-steering practices to give their own products and services preferential treatment. And the Digital Services Act would be concerned with how Big Tech could be held liable for unlawful or harmful content held on their services. There will likely be a series of fines companies would have to pay in the case of noncompliance.

The current obstacle lawmakers are facing appears to be a disagreement over what size companies the acts should apply to. Some groups want it to apply to all digital works by any company, while others suggest the financial standing of a company should be used to determine whether the acts should apply.

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About the Author

Asma is an editor at codecraftedweb with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.