Apple CEO Tim Cook says impact of AR would be as profound as the Internet

The one technology that Apple CEO Tim Cook has talked about the most is Augmented Reality (AR). Cook believes that AR tech has the potential to transform how users interact with their surroundings by integrating virtual reality into the real world. He shared the same sentiments with university students in Naples, Italy.

On his European tour, the Università Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II awarded Tim Cook an honorary Master’s degree in Innovation and International Management for remarkable and groundbreaking achievements during his 10 years tenure as the CEO of Apple, a $3 trillion company.

Tim Cook

Tim Cook believes in the future people would wonder how they lived without AR

During the Q&A session with Università Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II university students, Cook was asked which future technologies excite him the most. He answered, that AR would eventually be the “fundamental, horizontal technology” that would touch “everything in our lives from innovations in the Apple Watch to many other things” not too far in the future.

AR technology would have a profound impact on people’s lives like the Internet did.

I’m super excited about augmented reality. Because I think that we’ve had a great conversation here today, but if we could augment that with something from the virtual world, it would have arguably been even better.

So I think that if you, and this will happen clearly not too long from now, if you look back at a point in time, you know, zoom out to the future and look back, you’ll wonder how you led your life without augmented reality. Just like today, we wonder, how did people like me grow up without the Internet. And so I think it could be that profound, and it’s not going to be profound overnight…

tim Cook

Although the live stream was cut abruptly and Cook’s full comment was not broadcasted, he had expressed similar thoughts in a previous interview with the BBC. He said that AR and the concept of the Metaverse were profound.

In the future people will wonder how we lived without AR,” he says. “We’re investing a tonne in that space.”

With LiDAR scanner in iPad Pro and iPhone Pro models (iPhone 11 Pro and newer), Apple already offers AR-enabled apps for interior design, fashion, makeup, and others. The company is reportedly developing a new mixed reality headset (AR and VR) for gaming, viewing, and communication purposes and would launch it in early 2023.

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Addicted to social media and in love with iPhone, started blogging as a hobby. And now it's my passion for every day is a new learning experience. Hopefully, manufacturers will continue to use innovative solutions and we will keep on letting you know about them.