Apple shares three humorous promotional videos highlighting iPhone 13 Pro’s camera capabilities

Apple has released three new “Shot on iPhone” ads highlighting the camera capabilities of iPhone 13 Pro. Each of the three amusing videos showcases a different aspect of videography on the smartphone. 

iPhone 13 Pro Max

A trio of new Apple videos show off iPhone 13 Pro’s camera features

The first one released, “Detectives,” shows off Apple’s new Cinematic Mode on the device with two people in the frame. The detective with the focus on him says it’s because he’s the main character while the background “supporting cast” detective asks whether he’s out of focus and “what if my character had a big reveal?” The video then shifts focus to the detective in the background since Cinematic Mode allows users to choose where to focus.

Cinematic Mode allows users to capture videos with beautiful bokeh and automatic focus changes from the smartphone using rack focus. Focus can be changed during capture or as part of post-editing in Photos and iMovie apps. iPhone 13 can also smartly detect when users are coming into the frame to put them into focus, or move focus away from them when the subject changes. Cinematic mode captures video in Dolby Vision HDR.

In the second video titled “Basement,” a woman walks through a dimly lit house as a mysterious voice cries “Help me!” As she opens the door to the basements, the woman says she is scared that the picture quality will suffer in “such low light,” but the voice from the basement tells her that she “looks really good.”

Night Mode‌ can be used across all three cameras of the iPhone 13 Pro for the first time. Users can also capture Night Mode portraits thanks to the LiDAR Scanner.

The third video in the trio, which is called “Pavel,” shows off the 3x optical zoom on iPhone 13 Pro. The ad features dramatic black-and-white footage zooming in on a man sitting alone in a chair. A woman then enters and begins asking if he is okay in Russian saying, “this slow unnerving zoom suggests you are descending into madness.”

The 77mm Telephoto lens, which remains exclusive to the Pro lineup, features 3x optical zoom in, up from 2.5x in iPhone 12 Pro Max. 

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About the Author

Asma is an editor at codecraftedweb with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.