Apple Podcasts launches Delegated Delivery (beta) for creators to publish content

Apple Podcasts has now launched new Delegated Delivery (beta) service for creators to publish their Apple Podcasts Subscriptions (paid content) directly from their hosting provider’s dashboard, along with free content.

Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts Subscriptions and channels launched in 2021 as a new earning opportunity for creators to offer exclusive content to paid listeners. However, previously, Apple Podcasts did not support the publishing of Podcasts Subscriptions episodes directly from the hosting providers’ dashboards so producers could post content on multiple platforms with one system. And producers had to upload their Apple Podcasts Subscriptions content, separately which was time-consuming and inconvenient.

To address the issue, Apple Podcasts announces Delegated Delivery in May 2022 for creators easily and effectively post and manage their content.

Delegated Delivery, a new feature that will allow creators to upload, manage, and distribute their premium audio through participating third-party hosting providers. Delegated Delivery reduces operational tasks for podcast subscriptions so that creators can focus on making and marketing their work.

Apple podcasts

How to use Apple Podcasts Delegated Delivery

Starting today, creators with an active Apple Podcasters Program membership can use the Apple Podcasts Connect to generate API Keys from the Account tab and share them with their hosting providers for the service to publish new free and premium content on Podcasts Subscriptions directly from the hosting providers’ dashboard.

Creators can also schedule the release of exclusive episodes, bonuses, early access, and ad-free audio files via FLAC, WAV, and MP3 files. However, the Podcasts team will review all shows and subscriptions before publishing them to ensure they meet its content guidelines.

Currently, the following hosting providers support Podcasts Subscriptions:

  • Blubrry
  • Libsyn
  • Triton Digital’s Omny Studio

Later this year, more hosting providers will support Podcasts Subscriptions like Acast, ART19, and Buzzsprout. Producers can check for additional providers via the Hosting Providers page.

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Addicted to social media and in love with iPhone, started blogging as a hobby. And now it's my passion for every day is a new learning experience. Hopefully, manufacturers will continue to use innovative solutions and we will keep on letting you know about them.