Baseball Stars Professional review: a classic sports game

Developed by Hamster and SNK, Baseball Stars Professional is a classic sports game for ($3.99) on iOS and Android available worldwide.

The game features great game mechanics and spectacular presentation, making it an enjoyable title for casual and seasoned baseball fans.

Baseball Stars Professional is pure arcade fun combined with 2D graphics and simple gameplay

Baseball Stars Professional is the classic sports game that was one of the launch titles for the NeoGeo and it includes all the rules that exist within Major League Baseball while implementing a deceptively deep arcade style of play.

The game has fine graphics with smooth animations and the controls are very responsive. The game has simple controls that are a combination of the directional pad/analog stick with the square button on the Dualshock controller.

Baseball Stars Professional 2

Each game lasts between 20-25 minutes and is never dull as the game itself is action-packed. Homeruns will occur a few times an outing, strikeouts are occasional, but there are very few foul balls, which makes it more fun to play.

Baseball Stars Professional

All pitchers utilize the same four pitches that have different speeds and movements their individual stances and statistics give each of them a unique feel. All Batters also have different swings depending not only on their stance but also on what type they are.

Baseball Stars Professional

However, the game isn’t good at defense as it is hard to get a good handle on and the camera is sometimes too zoomed in to a point where it does not allow players to gauge where their fielder is relative to the ball, causing players to run away from it.

Nonetheless Baseball Stars Professional is a very fun game to play as it brings back good old memories and joy so you must try it. The game even includes a well-designed network mode that supports up to two players so you can play with your friends. Online gameplay is also smooth and fun to play. 

Baseball Stars Professional arcade style is available for $3.99 on all Android devices via Playstore and on all iOS devices via the App store.

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