Call 1-888-FACETIME to test FaceTime on the iPhone 4 with an Apple Representative

The iPhone 4 FaceTime feature is driving users crazy. It’s simple, fun and free. But sadly, not everybody who has an iPhone 4 has friends with iPhone 4 yet, so testing is out isn’t really easy. But if you’re willing to talk to a stranger to just test it out, Apple has created a service that lets you talk to an Apple representative by calling 1-888-FACETIME.FACETIME

The Apple representative will show you how FACETIME works and give you tips and tricks on how to use it. You can call 1-888-FACETIME between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm CDT.

Reminds me of Chatroulette; talking to a stranger over FaceTime. I’m pretty sure someone would try to come up with a service like that for iPhone 4 users.

[via CrunchGear]

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Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.