Check Your Windows PC Security Status with OPSWAT Security Score Beta

With an ever increasing number of malware and viruses in the wild, Antiviruses are must have programs, especially for Windows users. However, installing security applications doesn’t ensure that your PC is virus-proof until you have tweaked some settings as per best security practices. It’s not a bad idea to know the status of your installed security applications plus Windows security settings for full proof protection. Thanks to OPSWAT Security Score, a freeware tool from the developers of popular App Remover application (for uninstalling security software with ease), this job is made much simpler. Find out details after the break!

How can OPSWAT Security Score benefit your Windows PC

OPSWAT Security Score for Windows lets users know the security status of installed security applications on their computer. The app uses OPSWAT’s OESIS Framework, a development toolkit for detection and management of antivirus, antiphishing, backup, patch management, firewall, public file sharing, hard disk encryption and many other types of third party applications and then uses this information to generate your score.

Windows Security Status OPSWAT Score

The app is portable so it doesn’t need to be installed to run. Once downloaded, launch it and it will scan your computer in less than a minute for a complete of all installed security applications plus Windows’ built-in security settings like firewall settings and so on. After the scan is complete, the app will let you evaluate your PC security settings by providing the score in seven different sections and also in the form of a pie graph. If everything is working fine, the graph will be completely green.

Windows Security Status OPSWAT Score

If your score is too low in any section, determined by the amount of red on the pie chart, the app will provide recommendations on how to improve both the score and the security of your system.

Windows Security Status OPSWAT Score

OPSWAT Security Score is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 and requires at least Internet Explorer 8. The app is available for download for free. For the price of free, we highly recommend it for all Windows users to ensure safety and security of their data.

Download OPSWAT Security Score