This Cydia Tweak Lets You Clear iOS App Badges Easily – BadgeClear

A nifty little jailbreak tweak has just hit the Cydia store called BadgeClear. As the name implies, it clears up all your unwanted iOS app notification badges with a simple tap. The tweak is pretty easy to use and has no settings to configure. Once installed from Cydia, all you need to do is get into wiggle mode (tap / hold an icon) and tap any badges you want to clear.

Another great thing about BadgeClear is that if you have multiple apps with notification badges inside a folder, tapping that folder’s badge will clear up all app badges at once. Neat eh! This can be actually quite handy e.g if you keep all your Social network apps in a single folder and have already viewed your notifications for Facebook or Twitter etc. from your desktop computer, a single tap at the iOS folder badge would clean those all up instantly.

BadgeClear can be downloaded from Cydia for $0.99 via the BigBoss repo. Of course, you’ll need a jailbroken device to be able to install Cydia and this tweak.

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I'm a technology enthusiast specializing in Diagnostic Radiology. I'm crazy about Formula 1, all sorts of gadgets, surfing, console gaming, movies, music & I simply LOVE high-end designer wear! Follow me on Twitter @DrUsmanQ