How To: Disable Accent Character Menu in OSX Lion and bring back Character Repeat!

One neat little feature found in Lion is the ability to use accented characters with the push of a key. Literally! If you hold down a letter that has accented options, such as “a”, then you get a little popup giving you the option to use an accented character. This does however replace the default character repeat if you were to hold down the key such as yeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!


Luckily, there is a way to turn off this feature if you do want the character repeat back and you don’t need the accented characters. Launch your terminal application and type the following:

Defaults write –g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled –bool false

Now, you have the default character repeat back. If at some point in time you decide that you use more accented characters than you realized, then you can easily re-enable the accented character repeat using the following command:

Defaults write –g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled –bool true

Once you do disable or re-enable the character repeat, you will need to relaunch your apps for the change to take affect.

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[via osxdailly]

About the Author

David is a Systems Engineer by day and a Competitive Triathlete on the weekends. He is an avid Apple fan who also loves everything Google. He writes on everything and loves to share news with fellow techies.