Epic Games vs. Apple case has adjourned and now all await the court’s ruling

Epic Games vs. Apple antitrust case has adjourned, now the companies fate is in Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers’ hands. After hearing arguments from both sides, Judge Rogers will now take time to deliberate testimonies to pass a ruling. But how long will that be? We don’t know for sure because, at the end of the last day of trial, a date was not given.

The scope of the antitrust case is to determine if Apple has created a monopoly by controlling apps’ distribution and payment methods on the App Store. Epic Games claims that Apple’s app review and In-app payment (IAP) policies are anticompetitive because the company charges developers a 30% share cut for all IAPs. Apple counters that argument that saying that App Store rules and policies are implemented to provide a safe and secure digital marketplace to users. And the capital earned by the IAP is used to support and improve the App Store’s review process, technical support to developers, security and other services.

Epic Games vs. Apple

Epic Games vs. Apple antitrust case ruling might come in a few months

During the 4 hours long closing statements session, Judge Rogers’ asked several questions from both companies. As reported by @leah_nylen she asked Apple about alternatives to the App Store to which the company’s lawyer said that there were substitutes for the digital store and not of the apps’ distribution on iPhone.

She commented that even with the change in the operating systems, the in-app purchases remain the same. Furthermore, the arguments from both sides covered App Store’s security, 30% commission rate, developers’ satisfaction, competition, anti-steering, and other App Store-related issues.

The judge said that she will need time to review all the testimony and evidence submitted during the trial, so considering the number of documents submitted it might take her over a month to come to a conclusion. At this stage, it is not clear which side will the ruling favor which is likely to be a perplexing time for Apple as its entire ecosystem depends on it. But interesting, she did say that Epic seems to have an ulterior motive to become from a multi-billion company to a multi-trillion company.

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Addicted to social media and in love with iPhone, started blogging as a hobby. And now it's my passion for every day is a new learning experience. Hopefully, manufacturers will continue to use innovative solutions and we will keep on letting you know about them.