European regulators to approve Apple’s Tap-to-Pay access

European regulators are expected to approve Apple’s plan to allow access to their NFC chip for Tap-to-Pay functions. This move will enable banks and other payment apps to offer contactless payment options on iPhones without depending on Apple Pay.


For years, Apple has been criticized for limiting access to the NFC chip, which facilitates contactless payments by letting users tap their phone on a payment terminal to complete a transaction. As a result, Apple Pay has been the only option for iPhone users in Europe.

The European Commission, the EU’s antitrust watchdog, investigated Apple for this practice, stating that it stifled competition and gave Apple Pay an unfair advantage. Banks and other payment providers were essentially locked out of offering their tap-to-pay solutions on iPhones, limiting consumer choice and potentially inflating transaction fees.

To avoid potential fines and a damaged reputation, Apple agreed to open up the NFC chip. This move could help Apple appease regulators, avoid hefty penalties, and potentially position itself as a champion of open ecosystems.

Apple's Tap-to-Pay access

European iPhone users will no longer be confined to the walled garden of Apple Pay. Banks and other payment providers can now develop their tap-to-pay solutions specifically designed for iPhones. This could lead to a more competitive landscape, potentially driving down transaction fees and offering users a wider range of features and functionalities.

However, there are still a few details to work out. The European Commission needs to finalize the details of Apple’s proposal, ensuring a level playing field for all participants in the mobile payments market. This includes setting clear guidelines on data privacy, security standards, and access to essential functionalities.

Additionally, Apple will need to work closely with developers to ensure smooth integration of third-party payment solutions into the iPhone’s hardware and software ecosystem. This collaboration is crucial to providing a seamless user experience and avoiding any compatibility issues.

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