Facebook app for Zune HD now available for download

Facebook app for Zune HD

After ages of waiting by Zune HD users, Microsoft has finally released a Facebook app for them. The Twitter app for Zune HD was released almost 76 days ago, back in December, 2009. The Facebook app provides all the usual features such as viewing Photos, News Feed, profiles, messaging, notificatiosn and status updating. It even allows you to set the song you’re currently listening to as your Facebook status.

Facebook app for Zune HD Facebook app for Zune HD

Zune HD users will be delighted to finally be able to use this app. Now, Microsoft, where are the Windows Live apps for Zune HD?

If you have a Zune HD, head on over to the Marketplace and navigate to apps to download Facebook app.

[via @zune]

About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.