Froyo Gets Updated for Droid for Flash 10.1 Support


Froyo is once again in the news this week with an update for Verizon’s Motorola Droid and also an expected upgrade for Droid Incredible.

Verizon wireless have confirmed that they have start sending the second part of its Android 2.2 update to original Droid devices. The new update,build FRG22D, officially enables flash on Android devices. Once the update is installed, you can download and install Adobe’s Flash Player 10.1.

Verizon also stated “updated software changes” that’ll “provide improved security”. No details what so ever regarding the changes have been provided.

verizon-motorola-droid-android-upgrade_original The initial updates sent to device  will soon go out andonly a sub set of user will receive it at a time. It will take ample amount of time for the build to reach everyone. You’ll be notified by a pop up notice when update hits your device. You’ll need at least 40% of charging if the phone is plugged out and 20% charging if its plugged in to get things started.

[via PCworld]