Gentler Streak v4.7 offers updated workout summary, new app icons and more

The popular fitness app Gentler Streak has just rolled out a significant update, version 4.7, bringing exciting new features and enhancements to its users. This update not only improves the app’s performance but also introduces greater customization options, celebrating its recent recognition as an Apple Design Award (ADA) Finalist for the second consecutive year.

Gentler Streak app

Gentler Streak has been named an ADA Finalist in the Social Impact category, a prestigious acknowledgment that highlights the app’s commitment to fostering a healthier, happier lifestyle for its users.

The developers expressed their gratitude, stating, “We were in absolute disbelief to be named an ADA Finalist for the second year in a row! Last year, we figured it was a one-time opportunity, so to now have our social impact potential recognized among so many fantastic apps is beyond words. This category holds a special place in our orange hearts—it resonates deeply with our mission: we’re committed to creating an inclusive solution that empowers everyone, regardless of their fitness level, to live healthier and happier lives, both physically and mentally. We are hugely grateful for our community, as they are the social and the impact in our nomination.”

Enhanced app performance

A key highlight of the update is the rebuilt iOS app, designed to improve loading speeds and streamline future processes. While users may not notice the changes immediately, this enhancement sets the stage for a smoother and more responsive app experience.

Workout summary upgrade

The latest version of Gentler Streak introduces a significant upgrade to the workout summary feature. Users can now rename their workout types and add personalized notes. For example, an ‘Outdoor Run’ can be renamed to ‘My First Zone 2 Run,’ with notes detailing factors such as food intake, menstrual cycle phase, or environmental conditions like allergies. This customization allows users to gain deeper insights into how various factors influence their performance.

Gentler Streak workout summary

New app icons

To celebrate their achievement and the WWDC event, Gentler Streak has added two new custom icons: WWDC 2024 and ADA. Additionally, users can choose from other new icons, including Donut, MacOS Orange, and MacOS Original, to personalize their app experience further.

Gentler Streak icons

New insights

The update also includes a new insight feature that explores the mental health benefits of regular exercise. Backed by scientific research and organizations like the WHO, this insight emphasizes how an active lifestyle can improve mood, sleep, cognitive function, and stress management, reinforcing the app’s mission to support users’ overall well-being.

Download Gentler Streak here and experience the latest features for yourself!

Learn more about previous Gentler Streak updates below:

About the Author

Asma is an editor at codecraftedweb with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.