Gmail for iOS Updated With Quick Actions For Notifications and Share Sheet Support

Google has released a new update for their Gmail for iOS app. The new build, version 4.0, gives users the access to reply or archive mail via the notification centre. It also brings in support for iOS 8 specific features, including share sheet and ‘open with’.

Gmail for iOS Updated With Quick Actions For Notifications and Share Sheet Support

Users can now quickly swipe on new email notifications and chose to either go to the reply view in the app or archive the email without opening the app. From other apps such as Photos and more, users can also directly email files. This means that Gmail can now completely replace the default iOS Mail app. Lastly, the new ‘open with’ feature means that users can now open their Gmail attachments in other apps installed on their iPhone or iPad.

Here is the change log from Google for this update:

  • Take quick actions – Archive or reply to messages directly from a notification.
  • Email files from other apps – Attach photos and documents to Gmail from your favourite apps.
  • New attachment viewer – Open attachments from Gmail into any app.

The Gmail app update is free for iPad and iPhone. Check the App Store for the new update. If you have not installed it yet, click on the link below to download it.

Download Gmail for App Store

P.S. If you are a Gmail user, you might want to try out the new Google Contacts Preview too.

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Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.