Instagram redesigns IGTV app to help in discovering new creators

Instagram launched IGTV back in 2018 to allow users to post long videos, but it is believed that the new feature did not take off in the manner that the company may have wanted it to. However, it is now getting a significant redesign, and developers are focusing on making the app more user friendly. IGTV recently started allowing creators to monetize their videos as well.

If you had installed the standalone IGTV app, you would be well aware that the app jumps straight to content, with a video starting to play as soon as the app is opened, with several other options in a carousel overlay. The new design is expected to change this and bring a much-needed navigation bar to the IGTV app.


The company told The Verge that the creator profile will be ‘tailored to each user based on whom they follow and whose content the app thinks might be interesting to them.’ 

The new three-button navigation bar includes the home, explore, and profile tabs. The redesigned homepage will now have a creator profile plastered at the top. The ‘Explore’ tab comes as a much-requested addition to the IGTV app. Earlier, there was no way for Instagram users to find new IGTV creators to stream or follow. Now though, it allows you to tap and stream accessible content or something based on your likes.

Finally, the company is also making a minor change in how you can promote your IGTV videos via your Stories. A 15-second video preview will now be shown to Story viewers, encouraging them to click through and watch the video in its entirety.

All of those updates may make the app more interesting for creating movies and discovering new content material, but it unclear how many individuals are accessing the standalone app versus discovering IGTV videos in the Instagram app itself. The new IGTV update is not live on Android and iOS at the moment but it is expected to go live by the end of this week.

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An avid blogger and book enthusiast with an extensive love for learning new things.