Install Flash (Frash) easily on your iPhone 3GS/4 with a Cydia Repo

We covered Frash’s arrival to iPhone earlier today. It involved a lengthy process of SSH-ing into your iPhone using a PC or Mac and then copying the frash.deb file into a folder, after creating a couple of folders. The whole process has been made as easy as adding a Cydia repo and installing a package.


Here are the full steps:

  1. Make sure your iPhone is jailbroken. Read more here.
  2. Open Cydia. Go to the Manage tab > Sources.
  3. Tap Edit and then add.
  4. Add this source Frash on iPhone 3
  5. Go to search and type in Frash. Install it. Frash on iPhone

That’s it. Now you’ll be able to view some flash content such as ads and games in Safari. If you use SBSettings, you can also install the Frash Toggle which will let you enable or disable Frash easily.

Thanks for the tip Mike!

Update: Installing Frash using this method also works fine on the iPad. Thanks to Matthew for confirmation on our Facebook Fan Page.

Update 2: As it turns out, Frash only runs on ARMv7 processors which iPhone 3G doesn’t have. Sorry guys, you’re out of luck.

About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.