iOS 16 issue with games that use three-finger input, reported by devs

An annoying issue in iOS 16 opens up the text editing toolbar whenever three-finger input is used, even during games. If you are facing this issue, you are not alone. Reports of the issue are widespread on Twitter, and developers of popular games are telling their audience to stick to iOS 15 until Apple fixes the issue in iOS 16.

iOS 16

iOS 16 issue with games

The three-finger input opens up a text editing toolbar, however, this toolbar seems to be opening up in just about any app and game, even when there is no text selected or editing required. During games, this is especially problematic as it can completely ruin the gaming experience.

This is what the toolbar looks like:

iOS 16 games issue toolbar

Developers have voiced their concern on Twitter and shared that there is no workaround to prevent this issue, and the only solution, for now, is that gamers do not upgrade to iOS 16, until Apple fixes this issue or provides an option to disable the feature.

It is very concerning that Apple would let such a bug slip through with the final release of iOS 16. The company itself runs Apple Arcade, a gaming subscription service, so such issues should be ironed out.

For now, if you have upgraded to iOS 16 and face this issue, you can downgrade to iOS 15.7 using our guide. Apple has not stopped signing iOS 15.7 yet so the downgrade is possible.

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Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.