Why iOS 18 doesn’t seem revolutionary despite AI enhancements

As Apple prepares to unveil iOS 18 at WWDC 2024, rumors have been ramping up regarding the artificial intelligence (AI) features included in the update. However, a closer look reveals a potential disconnect between these promises and the user experience.

While the update boasts impressive AI features, some speculate that it might feel more like an iterative step than a groundbreaking leap.

Apple standard iOS logo

Apple has hinted at AI-powered improvements in Siri, predictive text, and app interactions. While these sound exciting, they might not deliver the groundbreaking experience users crave. Siri’s enhanced natural language processing and context awareness, although promising, might feel like a minor step forward. Users have long-standing frustrations with its limitations, and subtle improvements might not radically change their perception. Similarly, predictive text utilizing AI for more accurate suggestions will undoubtedly improve typing efficiency, but the changes might be too subtle for immediate user recognition. Incremental improvements, though valuable, often lack the wow factor.

There’s another reason why iOS 18 might not feel groundbreaking: Apple’s approach appears to be refining existing features rather than introducing groundbreaking new ones. This might lead users to perceive the update as a series of small improvements instead of a significant leap forward. It’s important to remember that Apple’s reputation for innovation sets a high bar. Users often compare new updates to iconic moments like the iPhone’s debut or the App Store launch. Compared to these seismic shifts, the AI enhancements in iOS 18 might seem less impactful.

Furthermore, the tech industry is saturated with AI buzzwords. Consumers have become wary of every update being labeled “AI-driven.” This skepticism can lead to a sense of fatigue, where even genuinely useful AI features don’t generate the excitement they once might have.

A key reason iOS 18’s AI features might not feel revolutionary is their subtlety. AI’s power often lies in seamlessly integrating into daily interactions, creating significant yet not always immediately noticeable improvements. Consider AI-driven battery management and performance optimization. These features can dramatically improve device longevity and efficiency, but they work in the background. While users benefit from smoother performance and better battery life, these changes lack the immediate impact of more visible updates.

While iOS 18 might not be the revolution some expect, it sets the stage for future innovations. Future updates could bring more noticeable AI functionalities, like advanced AR capabilities or a more autonomous Siri. As AI technology matures, its impact will likely become more pronounced. Additionally, Apple excels at understanding user needs and delivering intuitive solutions. Upcoming iOS updates might focus on making everyday tasks more seamless and enjoyable, potentially leading to more dramatic user experience improvements.

In conclusion, the AI enhancements in iOS 18, though impressive, might not feel revolutionary because they represent subtle, incremental improvements. These changes refine rather than redefine the user experience, leading to a sense of underwhelming progress. However, they lay important groundwork for future advancements, ensuring Apple remains at the forefront of mobile technology.

About the Author

Asma is an editor at codecraftedweb with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.