Microsoft working on redesigned Edge browser with new UI and features

Microsoft is working on a reimagined Edge web browser called “Phoenix”, which is designed to differentiate Microsoft Edge from other browsers. The new browser would have a different look and be more integrated with the operating system.

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft is also working on a new Tab Activity Center feature from Edge

Microsoft is internally calling the project “Phoenix” which is developing redesigned Edge web browser to deliver an improved web browsing experience, especially from the Edge. The upcoming “Phoenix” Edge will provide a fresh new UI that is consistent with Windows 11, unique productivity features, and deeper integration with Windows.

The project was first revealed by @WalkingCat on Twitter and Phoenix is already a hit amongst testers. Users running the beta, developer, or canary versions of the new Edge use the new split screen feature on Phoenix which is the most liked within the Microsoft community. The updated user interface with rounded tabs and other elements is also part of the Phoenix update.

Furthermore, Microsoft is also working on a Tab Activity Center feature on the browser which will provide insights and shows your browser usage over time just like the Screen Time or Digital Wellbeing features on an iPhone and Android device.

Phoenix also focuses on better integrating the browsers, with features like using Edge as the password manager and allowing users to enable and run Edge during the Windows initial preparation.

As of now, it is unclear if Microsoft intends to slowly roll out features developed as part of Phoenix or bring a major update including lots of changes. Either way, the company appears to be serious about keeping its Edge browser fresh and competitive in the browser market.

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