Microsoft Shows off Windows 8 at Computex

Today in Taiwan, Microsoft showed off it’s newest Operating System, Windows 8. Microsoft demoed it’s newest OS to hardware vendors who would be building the new hardware to support Microsoft’s new project.

Microsoft Shows off Windows 8 at Computex

Vendors such as AMD, Intel, TI, and NVIDIA were present today to view what Microsoft was bringing to the table. And according to Microsoft, it is the largest overhaul of their OS since Windows 95, which is pretty huge. Microsoft will not be taking Windows 7 and adding new features to the OS.

Microsoft is looking to take this OS and make it a completely user connected experience. The new design changes is what Microsoft is bragging about, and is wanting hardware manufacturers to jump on board. Native application development will also be done with HTML 5 and other web technologies, giving you a more web connected experience. With more and more going to the cloud, it would make sense for Microsoft to build this technology into the OS.

Microsoft also announced it’s newest developer conference, named BUILD, which will be held in Anaheim Ca, September 13-16. The conference was setup to help developers get started developing for the new platform.

Winrumors posted the following video, showing a demo of Windows 8.

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About the Author

David is a Systems Engineer by day and a Competitive Triathlete on the weekends. He is an avid Apple fan who also loves everything Google. He writes on everything and loves to share news with fellow techies.