Sony’s PS5 event set to take place on June 4th

Sony is planning to hold an event for its PS5 division on June 4th to show off new game titles that the company is prepping for its Playstation 5. The console is set to release this fall.

Due to restrictions amid the ongoing pandemic, the event will be held online. The event will be used to announce new games and show their gameplay from the new PS5. The company says that the event will last for about an hour and is a part of a “series of PS5 updates”.

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The event is also Sony’s sign that despite the ongoing disruptions and global health crisis – the company’s work and supply chains around the world are running uninterrupted. PS5 will be the successor to Sony’s PS4, launched in 2013.

PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan said in an interview:

“We remain absolutely on track. We’re going to launch this holiday, we will have a global launch. And where we’re greatly looking forward to it. And we very much want the gaming world to look forward to it, too.”

On the other hand, Microsoft’s Xbox is also getting an update with the new Xbox Series X, which is expected to arrive around the holiday shopping season.

The new consoles are launching at a very complicated time for users as governments around the world are encouraging the public to stay at home. In response to the pandemic, Sony announced in April that the company would give away free copies of its well-known adventure games Journey and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. There were 10 Million downloads reported for these titles.

“We’ll try to get the price right and value proposition right”, Ryan commented. There has been no announcement about the price tag that will come along with the new PS5. However, Sony claims that they want to make sure that the price for their latest device is fair to its users.

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The event will be live streamed on Twitch and YouTube.

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An avid blogger and book enthusiast with an extensive love for learning new things.