PlayStation Network Shut Down By Sony For Good

In order to better upgrade Sony’s online security, the PlayStation Network, or PSN, has been taken down for good. This move follows an “external intrusion”(breach) of the PSN by a group of hackers, in which all PSN account information was stolen. PSN, which was set to be rebranded as the SNEA, is now set to be completely rebuilt from the ground up. “This is a time intensive process and we’re working to get them back online quickly,” said Patrick Seybold, a Sony spokesman, via a blog post.

PlayStation Network Shut Down By Sony For Good

With multiple PS3 users threatening to jump ship and join Xbox Live, reactions to the loss of the PSN range from apathetic to borderline obsessive as frustrated users took to Facebook and Twitter to express their discontent. In the meantime, those wishing to use PS3 online services will simply have to wait for Sony to rebuild. We will report any major developments as the PSN, or whatever comes to replace it, is set up.

About the Author

I am a technology enthusiast who's first major computer experience was with hacking the Sony PSP. I am an Apple Dev, and I'm currently studying Computer Programming and 3D Animation.