Tweetbot for iOS 15 updates with notification avatars, quick notes, and Safari extension

Tweetbot 6.4 is now available with a bunch of new updates that add support for new iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 features such as avatars in notifications, quick notes support, a new larger widget for iPad, ability to disable drag and drop on iPhone, and performance improvements.

Tweetbot 6.4

Tweetbot now has a Safari extension to automatically open tweets in the app

Many apps like Spark have already been updated with support for showing the sender’s avatars, and Tweetbot has followed suit to support this new iOS 15 feature. This means that when you get a push notification, it will show the Twitter user’s avatar, whether it is a mention, like, or retweet.

The app also supports iPad-specific features like its new menu system, support for Quick Notes, and a new larger widget which still shows four tweets but cuts off lesser text than the smaller widget sizes.

Twitter large widget iPad

Perhaps the best feature in this update is that that you can use the new “Open in Tweetbot” Safari web extension to automatically open tweets in Tweetbot. However, in our testing so far, it does not work flawlessly. While some tweets take you to Tweetbot, many still open in the Twitter app.

Open in Tweetbot extension

Here are the complete release notes for the update:

iOS 15 specific changes

– Support for iPad’s new menu system

– Push Notifications show the sender’s avatar

– Push Notification action buttons now have icons

– Support for quick notes

– Support for the new larger widget size

– Ability to turn off drag & drop on iPhone

– Faster scrolling performance

– Added “Open in Tweetbot” safari web extension

Other Changes

– Added “Open in Tweetbot” action extension

– Quote Tweeting without content will be posted as retweets

– You can now tap on the timeline title to switch between your various lists

– New Pumpkin app icon

In the last update, Tweetbot had received a new feature called Behaviours, which lets users customize their app experience and enable or disable features like

At codecraftedweb, Tweetbot is one of our favorite apps on iPhone and iPad, and we wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for an amazing Twitter app. The app can be downloaded as a free update for existing users, while a subscription costs $0.99 per month or $5.99 per year.

Download Tweetbot from App Store

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Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.