WiFiSMS Allows You To Send SMS Messages From Your Web Browser [Jailbreak Tweaks]

A new Cydia tweak has been released, called WiFiSMS. This tweak will allow you to send and receive text messages right on to browser.

The application uses an interface that should very familiar to iPhone users. In fact, it uses the exact UI as the SMS application on the iPhone.

iPhone Messages

The application does not create an additional phone number for you. It actually connects to your phone via WiFi and syncs your SMS messages from your phone to your computer (and vice versa).

WiFiSMS is a great option for those of us, who just love texting but may not exactly love the small 3.5” screen of the iPhone.

WiFiSMS Screenshot

The tweak is available for FREE on Cydia, through the BigBoss repository. (via iDownloadBlog)

Your iOS device will of course have to be jailbroken in order to download this tweak. You can see our jailbreak tutorials here: