WikiLeaks App For iPhone / iPad Is Now Available For Download

An unofficial yet regularly updated WikiLeaks app for iPhone and iPad is now available on the App Store. The app provides full access to the world’s largest collection of leaked documents which comprises of top secret memos and confidential government information in the form of WikiLeaks website as well as WikiLeaks tweets all updated in real time. The sleek design and easy to use interface makes it a lot easier to access all the WikiLeaks content as compared to the official website.

Here is the official iTunes WikiLeaks app description along with some screenshots:

The truth is now available in your iPhone and iPad:

“One Dollar For Internet Freedom”

Internet democracy requires funds to stay strong. By purchasing the Wikileaks app, you donate 1 dollar of the purchase price towards organizations that work to promote the future of online democracy.

The Wikileaks app and its designers operate independently of Wikileaks and Apple.




•Autoforward to actual mirror

•Full access to WikiLeaks website (including CableGate)

•#wikileaks hashtag and @wikileaks posts in delicious design


•Continuous news feed regardless of Wikileaks server disruptions

•Elegant design formatted for iPhone and iPhone.

•Instant access to old and new Wikileaks documents

You can get Wikileaks app form the App Store for $1.99.

Download WikiLeaks App For iPhone / iPad (Direct Link)

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About the Author

I'm a technology enthusiast specializing in Diagnostic Radiology. I'm crazy about Formula 1, all sorts of gadgets, surfing, console gaming, movies, music & I simply LOVE high-end designer wear! Follow me on Twitter @DrUsmanQ