Will Sprint Get The iPhone This Summer?

Since some months, we have been hearing rumors that iPhone will have Sprint as its carrier for iPhone after the launch of iPhone 4G.And today Mac Rumors has received unofficial words via jkontherun that Sprint could very possibly get iPhone 4G this summer.


We can’t believe every rumor but still we wish this one is true because it will definitely  increase the sales of iPhone and both Apple and Sprint will benefit from it. Having 4G Internet speed on the iPhone would totally blow the competition out of the water as well. Currently, the HTC Evo 4G is the only phone that take advantage of Sprint’s 4G network and having iPhone added to their portfolio, would definitely be something they would secretly be hoping for. James Kendrick mentioned that the source is reliable but still he said “totally unlikely to come true”.

In the “totally unlikely to come true” department, yesterday I was told that Sprint will be getting the iPhone this summer. You heard that right, while rumors have long pointed to Big Red getting the iPhone this year, never has it been mentioned that Sprint would be selling the iPhone. I can’t believe this is true, although the source has been reliable in the past and does work for Sprint.

Macrumors further mentioned that a Sprint related source mentioned that Sprint would get the iPhone this summer, most probably in September. Couple of months ago, TechUpdate post said that according to a Best Buy employee iPhone will be coming to Sprint.

Last week,the Sprint Chief Financial Officer was asked questions about the iPhone and he only said “we’d love to have it”. But still he denied about having any deal with Apple. WWDC is only a few days away and we will find out for sure if this rumors has any weight to it.

About the Author

I am a student of computer science. My interests are software development and blogging. Been blogging since a year now. I mostly cover Apple news.