Windows Phone 7 Emulator: Build 6176 Walkthrough Video

In case you’ve missed it, there’s a new version of the Windows Phone 7 Emulator out along with Windows Phone Developer Tools CTP Refresh. The new build of the emulator has a lot of cool features, and excitingly, Windows Phone 7 is shaping out to be really great. Video walkthrough after the break.


The new emulator has a lot of new features, such as pinning contacts to the start screen, the Zune radio and some of the radio channels actually work. The Microsoft Office hub is now a really functional version of Office over the previous editions. Word in Microsoft Office now allows you to change fonts, size and color of your text while Excel lets you work on huge Spreadsheets along with a ton of other features. Check out the video and see all the features for yourself.

[via PocketNow]