Windows Phone Mango Development Completed Ahead Of Schedule

Who was that saying that Windows Phone Mango devices will only be available this holiday season? That’s not true according to Peter Wissinger who is Microsoft’s Director of Mobile Business in northern-Europe.

Windows Phone Logo

He released an official statement regarding the matter, claiming that Microsoft has now finished Windows Phone Mango (ahead of schedule) and it’s upto manufacturers to release it to phones.

Microsoft initially planned to release the “Mango” update this fall to OEMs, so it could get to users by late 2011. But according this new report, it seems OEMs and wireless carriers will have more time to try out and approve the update for their users.

There is no other information indicating when or how existing Windows Phone users will get their hands-on “Mango”, however if manufacturers get their act together this could be fairly soon.

Fujistu Windows Phone Mango Device

Microsoft first revealed Windows Phone 7.5 codenamed “Mango” this year during MIX ‘11. Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore demoed the update, which included multitasking support, new Bing features and Twitter and LinkedIn integration. More information regarding “Mango” was released during other events throughout the year. For example, Fujitsu is already preparing their first Windows Phone which will run Windows Phone 7.5. Also, Nokia is preparing their first Windows Phone which they seem to be very excited about.